Category: Events

Game mods & Post-Industrial Play

Yesterday (June 28) I mapped out some of the territory of what will be part of my dissertation proposal for a 40+ audience at Columbia Business School. Over the last six months modding has become an inevitable chapter since it seems integral to much of what I think video gaming is all about. So as part of my presentation I drew up a brief case study of the industrious people over at Derelict Studios. — read on

E3: July 11, 12 & 13

So I got myself invited. In honesty I've never been to any of the previous renditions and thus sorely missed out on the annual cornucopia of technology and the suggestion of imminent copulation. So my street cred within the better paid echelons of gamer society is without doubt low. But that may be a good thing. Perhaps there'll actually be room to talk about how all this fun & games is going to sustain itself... — read on

City, Games & Media

I've almost finished the paper that I presented in Berlin. This post is both an announcement of to that effect as well as a shoutout to the people who helped me piece it together. I'm posting the intro-section for now since this might be published as part of the conference proceedings. If you want the current draft version of the whole thing, just shoot me a line. Enjoy. [I've also created a page with some of the online references & resources I collected along the way.] — read on

EVENT: Time | Space Dynamics in Urban Settings

I've been invited to part of a panel at a conference this May at the Center for Metropolitan Studies. Besides being excited to get to go to Berlin, it'll be fun to investigate the communalities between mediated spaces and video games. I will update as it rolls along. — read on

EVENT: Media in Transition 5

[note: I've decided to rename the "G.o.t.m.o" category to Events because it's easier to not have to keep count and doesn't look half as dumb.] In two weeks I'm headed to MIT for the first time ever. They're holding a conference called Media in Transition (MiT, get it?), subtitled "Creativity, Ownership, and Collaboration in the Digital Age." I'll be part of a panel (abstract) with Alec Austin, Casey O'Donnell, and moderated by Eric Klopfer. This conference is rather massive, so my alleged location will be room E25-117 where I should be from 1:30 - 3:00 on Saturday April 28th. — read on

G.o.t.m.o: VII – Media and Entertainment Conference 2007

Hosted by Columbia University, the NYU Stern Media and Entertainment Association has put together a day filled with business folks answering questions on the future of television, Net Neutrality, and most relevantly the video game industry. More information here. — read on

G.o.t.m.o: VI – Impromptu NYU visit

Today I visited NYU Stern for a Media Entertainment Association panel called Business Models within the Video Games Industry and witnessed some interesting tidbits of game industry insight. What follows is a reasonably coherent synopsis based on my notes. Keywords: digital distribution, in-game advertising, valuing IP, and where to invest $5 million in the game industry. — read on

G.o.t.m.o: V

Fun fieldtrip this week to NYU. As per recommendation of Mr. Vaidhyanathan, I might swing by to hear this guy's talk titled State of the Copyfight 2007. Might be good, or maybe I'll brush up on my play on words. Details: 5pm, January 19 @ Courant Institute in Room 109 (NYU) — read on

Game Event Information