FlightControl by Firemint

Not entirely unrelated to my previous post, I DL-ed an $0.99 game for my iPhone which may well be one of the first ones to earn the label of worthwhile. While I maintain the theory that iPhone games suck (which they do), i’m observing contrary data points. FlightControl gets an honorable mention because it is clever and sans BS.

The weakest thing about the platform is that most titles assume I want some sophisticated experience. I dont. What I want is something silly to occupy me for 5 minutes but which has a design that is clever enough to charm. I suppose Towers fits that
description but that game is stoopid expensive. When’s the last time you spend $4.99 on bubblegum?

The object of the game is to land airplanes that fly at different speeds by drawing a flightpath for them. The game ends when any two collide. Easy enough at first, but impossible once you have ten or so pilots crowding your little airport. For 99 centals, with no virtual items and no social networking hooha, FlightControl is worthwhile without promising too much. Go play. Enjoy.

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