Stizzate of Plizzay 6
After nearly two hundred days of radio silence, I return to jot down a few words. Last week Dan Hunter asked me to run a grad student workshop at State of Play 6, which will be held this June at the New York Law School. A lot of familiar faces will no doubt make an acte de presence, not in the least the members of the meme that is Terra Nova. Right now I’m piecing together my panel, which will be sponsored by DiGRA NY. But what I’d particularly like to point out is the casual (!) nature of this virtual world conference. Through the grapevine I heard someone call it a non-conference because it does not adhere the rigid format that you’d usually find at an academic event. All the while, some of the smartest people are coming out to this non-conference. I’m guessing the casual nature of their online activities translates well into the real world.
Link here.