E3 impression

I had wanted to write something snide about media covering E3 this year, but I’ve decided that I’m enjoying myself too much. As you move from one location to the next, you sometimes encounter a real awkward vibe. A sort of “anxious, young men competing” type of feeling. Everyone’s too cool for school, which is probably why E3 grew into such a testosterone-filled bunch of nonsense like it did.

Instead, I’m having a great time. Santa Monica is a nice place, with lots of sun and pretty girls. My one-on-one meetings have been very productive. I nabbed a bunch of press kits just so that I can peruse at my leisure later and spend more time looking around now. I highly recommend the burger in the Loews hotel lobby.

The atmosphere is a little awkward because people seem to feel displaced. Everywhere you go you encounter people wearing that obscenely large E3 badge, like 21st century versions of huge nerds from the 1980s. Without invitations, I imagine, it wouldn’t be much fun, because there’s not much else to do than go to a half-empty, warm Barker Hanger or frequent the press conferences.

So I feel pretty fortunate that this E3 has been a great trip for me. I got to play tons of games, walked away with a bunch of free goodies, and met a slew of cool people. I stuck some pictures below.


Awesome cheesy casual puzzle role-playing action game. From the future.


Heroic sword-wielding cross-eyed babe.


Coverage > Event = odd.

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