Tag: xbox

XBOX & female gamers

So here's a question. Suppose, in an entirely fictional reality, M$ was looking to increase their share of "women" and "lapsed" gamers. What would you recommend they do? There are, obviously, no financial boundaries. First, women gamers love casual games. You know, Diner Dash or Bejeweled type of stuff. What a company like M$ could do is a) make the downloadable ones more user-friendly (no bs with buying credits or spyware), and b) make their MSN games available on browser other than IE. This type of game is generally played at work (where people have computers that are up to par), so approaching it from that angle would be one venue. — read on

Xbox really not doing so well, cont’d.

After my previous post, detailing numbers that seem to tell some analysts that M$ is "blowing away" the competition but really don't, here's more ammo. Despite the happy times for Xbox in the U.S., the console just isn't doing much in Japan. — read on

South Park on your XBOX 360

As much as MTVN has been busy trying to move gaming into TV shows and vice versa, they're also exploring the possibility of distributing TV content by using consoles as a platform. I'm imagining some kind of Viacom/Microsoft variety of YouTube, where the former releases its programming over the latter's infrastructure. — read on

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